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Get involved today!

The cornerstones of the F8M Foundation are passion, friendship and a dream of a better future for all of us.

Join us!

You have many ways to choose from.

NGOs? What is that?

Non-governmental organizations, also known as NGOs in abbreviation, are entities defined in Polish law as ones that act for a chosen cause, not to make a profit. Donations and subsidies received by NGOs are used to achieve their statutory goals. In this way, we complement the activities of government institutions, but remain independent. It is important to maintain a balance between the state and society.

We often hear questions about who owns the foundation and what happens to the donated funds. These are very important. The difference between a foundation and a company is that the foundation does not belong to anyone, it has no owners or shareholders. It is established by the founder and on the day of registration it becomes an organization operating on the basis of a statute and in accordance with the principles of the relevant public benefit act. The 8Marca Foundation is managed by experts - our Management Board and the Foundation Council. These are people appointed by the founder. None of them, including the founder, owns the foundation! That's why we often talk about the members of our organization.


Everyone can read the Statute, the foundation's goals and the programs we run. Every zloty we raise is spent on precisely defined activities resulting from the Statute. We have internal rules for management, selection of suppliers and project management.

Let's create together
unique places with your support!

The F8M Foundation was established on the initiative of our Founder, an architect Natalia Gnoińska. This means that we are not supported by large sponsors or state institutions. Therefore, our activity is possible primarily thanks to the support of people like you. Only with the support of the wider community will we be able to focus on implementing our mission related to the revitalisation of historic buildings, education and popularizing the practice of sustainable conservation of monuments.

Stary Zamek


You can help us fulfil our mission in many ways. Get started today! You can support us for free, join the group of volunteers or become our donor. Remember that donations are tax deductible.

Why is it worth trusting us?

There are nearly 80,000 historic buildings in Poland. The National Heritage Institute (NID) estimates that public funding can cover approximately 20% of their needs. This means that the remaining 80% of funds for the renovation and maintenance of historic buildings must come from the public and entrepreneurs. At the Foundation, we also believe that a well-managed monument can earn money on its own through appropriate management of all resources, including energy, as well as through economic and social activities.


0 cost donation

it's a smart app to support us for free and enjoy discounts on online purchases


F8M bank account

is a simple way to make a donation to support our mission

1,5% (only for Polish tax residents)

1.5% of  income tax 

from February to the end of April, remember about us when filing your annual income tax return (only for Polish tax residents)


F8M piggy bank

is one-click support for every budget.


Crowdfunding call

for the implementation of the Innovation Manor® concept on the website

What happens to my money?

In accordance with the operating principles of our organization, we donate all funds received to the implementation of our mission related to the Innovation Manor® concept, i.e. sustainable, socially responsible transformation of monuments. We participate in scientific research, conduct educational activities, and share knowledge. We intend to start work on our first facility in the next few months.

In fulfilling our obligations, we strictly follow the rules:

  • we are not politically involved;

  • we operate transparently and in accordance with the principles of law;

  • we rely on scientific knowledge;

  • we build long-term, trust-based, interdisciplinary partnerships in the spirit of the New European Bauhaus;

  • the foundation is managed by experienced and young experts;

  • our team jointly formulated the foundation's mission, based on documented needs in the heritage sector.


We are a partner of choice
in implementing your company's sustainable development strategy

Starting 2024, the non-financial reporting obligation covers large companies. But smaller companies will also face such requirements, especially if they work with global clients. They will ask how you implement ESG goals, i.e. what is the impact of your company on the environment and society and what principles guide its management within the framework of corporate governance.

The Innovation Manor® concept, on the basis of which the 8Marca Foundation operates, was awarded in the final of the New European Bauhaus Prizes 2022. This means that this idea for the transformation of heritage is not only ecologically sustainable, but also has a significant impact on building social capital, in the spirit of sustainable development. We combine environmental and social aspects in one.


By supporting us, your company gains a reliable partner and contributes to building beautiful, sustainable living spaces. This means that we not only influence the social aspects of your company's environment, but also work together to prevent climate change.

The activities of our organization are directly in line with the implementation of eight of the seventeen UN Sustainable Development Goals, also known as SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). We are also members of the new European Bauhaus movement, which is a bridge between society, business, the world of science and politics. We work for a better but also more sustainable future.


Sustainable development as understood by the 8Marca Foundation means that we conduct our activities not to waste, but rather to rebuild resources for the future.

We will achieve our goals by using available technology and knowledge, as well as creating new knowledge based on collected data and research conducted at the facilities.


Our activities are related to the local rural community, where access to basic services, education and cultural events is limited. The 8 March Foundation fights against social discrimination, promoting equality and ensuring sustainable economic development of the region.


We strive to share knowledge related to sustainable development and we want to provide easier access to culture and education in rural areas. We want the local community to participate in our design activities. One of our goals is also to create craft schools where we will support, among others: local crafts and one-stop shop solutions.


We care about providing new jobs for the local community. We plan not only to activate local staff and team leaders to act, but also to engage regional and international partners to provide knowledge, share experience and develop digital skills.


We want to regenerate green areas near historical sites and draw on the area's modern water supply and sewage system to reuse water through a rainwater collection system and natural filtration. The priority is to reuse and preserve as much of the original building's fabric and materials as possible.


Just like the influence of the natural environment, the interior design of a facility and spatial design affect people's mental and physical health. Our Foundation wants to positively influence health and well-being in accordance with the principles of sustainable architecture.


The aim of the Innovation Manor concept is to reduce the carbon footprint of historical sites. We  not only use technology to optimize resources, including through building management systems, but also  educate about sustainable solutions related to the circular economy.


We strive to create a sustainable and inclusive space that will connect rural and urban environments around the idea of learning and well-being. By pursuing sustainable strategies, new technologies and a respectful approach to heritage, we will create places that foster a sense of community and well-being.


The Innovation Manor concept can be replicated anywhere in Europe with the involvement of a diverse community, a strong network and dedicated funding. The goal is to create relationships inspired by the five-fold helix of innovation: university-industry-government-environment-society.

Our partners:

We achieve our goals through transdisciplinary cooperation.
Our partner network is constantly growing!

We are extremely grateful for your trust and creative cooperation.


Get involved! Become a volunteer!


Volunteering is an important element of the activities of every non-governmental organization. You can help us by getting involved in projects, events or everyday activities.

In exchange for your commitment, we offer you the acquisition of unique competences of the future.

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