Horizon Europe
F8M Foundation developed an idea of startup incubation based on cooperative endeavors around dissonant heritage sites.
We managed the project development and consortium building activities with 20 partners from 7 countries.
The project is under assessment by the European Commission.

HerMan Green
According to its mission and objectives F8M Foundation developed a vocational training course for heritage managers and stewards based on the GreenComp Framework published by the Joint Research Centre.
The course aims at developing sustainability competences.
The project is under assessment of the Erasmus+ evaluators.

Horizon Europe
F8M Foundation Innovation Manor® concept inspired
an innovation action related to energy sustainability of historic buildings and the role heritage sites can play in the development of local energy communities.
The project is under assessment by the European Commission.
Re:design Yourself
F8M Foundation initiated a program of adult education dedicated to mindfulness and addressing the challenges faced by Generation X in the second stage of their professional and private lives. The program build links between mindfulness and natural as well as built heritage.
The project is currently under development and will be submitted to assessment.

Horizon Europe
F8M Foundation participates in a consortium that develops a research & innovation action dedicated to resources management in conservation, operations and maintenance of historic buildings.
In this project we also assist the leader with PMO activities.
The project is under development and will be submitted for assessment in 2025.