At the F8M Foundation we understand the needs of your company
Let us help each other, even though we have different goals and principles. What unites us is the desire for a better future for our children, living in beautiful places and a sense of purpose for which we work.
Contact us today, we have good suggestions for you.
In addition to our mission activities, we have business activities that also support our mission, as we are a non-profit organisation.
Beautiful environment
is a better life
Heritage is not only part of history, but also a key part of everyday life in the community. By supporting us, you are helping to protect cultural heritage and strengthen relationships with the local community. With your support, monuments can continue to fulfil their role as valuable places of encounter and inspiration, resulting in an improved quality of life for residents and economic growth for the region.
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We participate in the implementation of your company's sustainability strategy
#ESG - raportowanie niefinansowe
From 2024, the non-financial reporting obligation covers large companies. But smaller companies will also face such requirements, especially if they work with global clients. They will ask how you are meeting your ESG objectives, i.e. what is your company's environmental and social impact and what principles guide its corporate governance.
We can help you to:
- take care of a local monument
- carry out community engagement activities
- involve your community in tackling climate change
- develop a circular way of thinking about your product or service.

Lifelong learning
Pleasant and useful.
Discover our in-house programme, which we dedicate to developing the competences of the future, such as communication, creativity, cooperation
and sustainable development competences
sustainability. Your company gains a market advantage by helping to fulfil our mission.
Engaged employees.
Through employee volunteering, a company can partner with us in the restoration and preservation of historic buildings, giving employees the opportunity to get involved in initiatives of great importance to the near environment and to the environment.
Become the first company in Poland whose employees care about heritage!

Monuments are a source of development, well-being and inspiration!
Monuments are not only a cultural treasure but also an important source of well-being, inspiration and community development. Their presence in their surroundings has a positive impact on the quality of life of residents, building social and emotional ties and creating attractive spaces for everyday life. Moreover, monuments are a source of inspiration for creativity and innovation, encouraging the search for new solutions and ideas for social and economic development. Therefore, by caring for monuments, we are not only investing in the past, but also in a better future for our communities.
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