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About us

History of the 8Marca Foundation is a history of passion, friendship and dreams of the better future for us all 


8Marca Foundation (F8M) was founded in 2022 as a citizens' initiative of Natalia Gnoińska, an architect specialising in sustainable monument conservation.

The F8M team consists of specialists from many countries and sectors, from architecture to communication and management. We speak in a total of eight EU languages! 


The team gathered around the founder is interdisciplinary, multi-generational and committed, which guarantees that this still young organisation will continue to grow steadily and complete set goals.


F8M's activity is equally based on the innovative actions at heritage sites, as well as actions nurturing social engagement and interdisciplinary cooperation between different stakeholders from the world of business, third sector, science and public institutions to support green transformation. 

Let's get to know each other!

The 8Marca Foundation is made up of

passionate people.

We are a team: interdisciplinary, multigenerational, curious about the

world, and international.

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1.5% of tax

from February to the end of April, remember us when filing your annual PIT tax return


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Our fundraising

for the implementation of the Innovation Manor® concept on the website

I support!

You can help us fulfill our mission in many ways. Get started today! You can support us for free, join the group of volunteers or become our donor. Remember that donations are tax deductible.

Why is it worth trusting us?

There are nearly 80,000 historic buildings in Poland. The National Heritage Institute (NID) estimates that public funding can cover approximately 20% of their needs. This means that the remaining 80% of funds for the renovation and maintenance of historic buildings must come from the public and entrepreneurs. At the Foundation, we also believe that a well-developed monument can earn money on its own through appropriate management of all resources, including energy, as well as through economic and social activities.

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